Emotional Well Being


The subconscious is the seat of our emotions. Soliciting the support of the subconscious avoids inner conflict and helps us achieve our goals.


The Subconscious  - 

a link to an article written by Spirit Whisperer about the subconscious


Recommended Reading:


Shift Happens!: Powerful Ways to Transform Your Life [Paperback] Robert Holden

This book by Robert Holden is a favourite of mine and I have given copies of it to clients to read at various points in their treatment. It is a highly inspirational book that mades me realise that happiness is actually our natural state of being. Robert Holden shows how fear lies at the core of most of our problems. The book is organised into a series of short stories that slice through our old conditioning and made me laugh at the things I had allowed myself to take so seriously. The shift is subtle but it really does happen while reading this very beautiful book.


As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

This is a very special book to me probably because my father gave it to me when I was growing up. I read it many times over the years but not until my forties did I really start to hear the message in the book. Like man of Miracles by Howard Murphet, another book given to me by my father, this book had a profound effect on me which was to change the whole course of my life. The book expalins how we are responsible for the circumstances and people we attract into our lives by the thoughts we allow ourselves to habitually dwell upon. Our thoughts create the feelings we feel and it is the feelings that attract to us the reality we live. The book explains it more eloquently but in essence it is a hard pill for most people to swallow. As I said already, it took me the best part of twenty years to get it!


The Power by Rhonda Byrne

This is probably one of the most inspirational books I have ever read and is the perfect sequel to "As A Man Thinketh". Rhonda Byrne takes the ideas expounded in James Allen's book and takes them to another level. The message of hope in the book is enough to lift anyone's heart and I often recommend this book to my clients especially those who suffer from depression. I would also recommend that the book be listened to as the author and the music in the background really do intensify this amazing experience.